
Sequence diagram online tool uml 2.5
Sequence diagram online tool uml 2.5

For instance, reports from ProgrammableWeb, the biggest repository of public Web APIs with more than 19,000 APIs, show that more than 80% of the registered APIs are REST.

sequence diagram online tool uml 2.5

Due to its lightweight nature, adaptability to the Web, and scaling capacity, REST has become the preferred style for building Web APIs.

sequence diagram online tool uml 2.5

The REpresentational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style which allows relying on URIs and HTTP messages to build interoperable Web applications. Come to see OpenAPItoUML live if you’re around or check the content of the paper below (you can also download the paper on PDF). This work is going to be presented at ICWE’18 (18th International Conference on Web Engineering). All the instructions on how to install and use the tool are available in the Github repository. OpenAPItoUML is available as an open source Eclipse plugin. In this post, we present a tool called OpenAPItoUML, which generates UML models from OpenAPI definitions, thus offering a better visualization of the data model and operations of REST APIs.

sequence diagram online tool uml 2.5

However, current documentation tools for OpenAPI only describe REST APIs in HTML pages using text and code samples, thus requiring a considerable effort to visualize and understand what the APIs offer. OpenAPI specification has become the choice of reference for describing REST APIs, and its adopters can benefit from a plethora of tools for documenting, developing and integrating REST APIs.

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In particular, a consortium of companies has created the OpenAPI Initiative, which aims at creating a vendor-neutral, portable, standard and open specification for describing REST APIs. This increasing adoption has triggered the creation of languages to formally describe REST APIs, thus facilitating and promoting their usage. REpresentational State Transfer (REST) has become the prominent architectural style for designing Web APIs. (you can now read about WAPIml, the successor of the OpenAPI to UML, described here )

Sequence diagram online tool uml 2.5